Are you a high school or college student who could benefit from executive function coaching support?
Do you...
Find it hard to figure out how to get started on a task?
Have the ability to focus on small details or the overall picture, but not both at the same time?
Have trouble determining how much time a task requires?
Do things either quickly and messily or slowly and incompletely?
Find it hard to incorporate feedback into work or an activity?
Stick with a plan, even when it’s clear that the plan isn’t working?
Have trouble paying attention and become easily distracted?
Need to be told the directions many times?
Have a tough time switching gears from one activity to another?
Struggle with thinking about or doing more than one thing at a time?
Email us or call 847.400.0078 for a complimentary phone consultation to determine whether or not executive functioning services are right for your child!
What is Executive Functioning Support?
Executive functioning sessions are offered at True Mind & Body in a private, comfortable office space where our Executive Functioning Consultants create individualized educational strategies that meet the unique needs of each student. Please note: at this time, our EF coach only works with high school, college, and graduate school students.
Understanding that defining success looks different for everyone, we works one-on-one with students to set measurable academic goals and define guidelines to track progress.
Parents often ask if homework gets done during sessions. The answer is… Of course! Within the existing framework of students’ academic workload, we help clients assess, organize and prioritize assignments so that schoolwork becomes more manageable and even — gasp! — enjoyable. No more nightly homework battles!
What is Executive Functioning?
Defined as the management of cognitive processes, executive functions are learned skills. With regular practice, these skills develop over time. If you think your child might be behind the curve in terms of executive functioning development, it’s important to consult with a specialist. Since the brain continues to develop into young adulthood, EF support at an early stage (10-25 years old) is often highly successful.
Becky Novack, MA
Becky provides Executive Functioning Coaching as well as Special Education Advocacy for children and adolescents. Becky's goal is to give her clients the tools they need to thrive in school and beyond. She has extensive experience teaching students strategies in getting organized, self-regulation, long term planning, maintaining focus, and in developing the social skills they need to be strong self advocates. Becky has always had a passion for helping unique learners develop into independent, confident young adults. Her approach incorporates research based strategies with student centered goal setting to achieve measurable success for all children and adolescents.
Becky worked as a full-time Special Education teacher for 8 years. In addition to her University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Bachelor's degree in Special Education, Becky earned her Masters degree as a Reading Specialist from Concordia University and obtained her graduate education certificate in English as a Second Language and Bilingual Education from the American College of Education.